CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES!! We are so proud of you!
NEUP project completed
The UCB, LANL, NCSU, team completed the NEUP project entitled:”Developing Ultra-Small Scale Mechanical Testing Methods and Microstructural Investigation Procedures for Irradiated Materials” This exciting project started in 2013 and lead to numerous new results and techniques in nuclear materials research. We sincerely thank DOE-NE’s NEUP program for sponsoring this work!
Congratulations to Scott Parker and his Co-authors for publishing in JOM
S. Parker, J. White, P. Hosemann, A. Nelson published “Oxidation Kinetics of Ferritic Alloys in High-Temperature Steam Environments” in JOM February 2018, Volume 70, Issue 2, pp 186–191
Congratulations to Cameron Howard and our canadian collaborators for publishing in J. Nucl. Mat.
C. Howard, C. D. Judge, D. Poff, S. Parker, M. Griffiths, P. Hosemann published “A novel in-situ, lift-out, three-point bend technique to quantify the mechanical properties of an ex-service neutron irradiated inconel X-750 component” in JNM 498 (2018) 149-158
Congratulations to our Collaborator Anna Kareer in publishing an article in JNM
A. Kareer, A. Prasitthipayong, D. Krumwiede, D.M. Collins, P. Hosemann and S.G.Roberts published the article “An analytical method to extract irradiation hardening from nanoindentation hardness-depth curves” in J. Nuclear Materials 498 (2018) 274-281
Congratulations to Anya Prasitthipayonga, S.J.Vachhani, S.J.Tumey, A.M.Minora, P.Hosemann to publish their article in Acta Mat.
Congratulations to Anya Prasitthipayong, S.J.Vachhani, S.J.Tumey, A.M.Minor, P.Hosemann to publish the article entitled ” Indentation size effect in unirradiated and ion-irradiated 800H steel at high temperatures” in Acta Mat 144 (2018) 896-904.
Our second youngest scientist members make great progress into the new year
Happy Holidays!!!
The entire nuclear materials team wishes you happy holidays!! We are looking forward to many exciting discoveries in 2018
Prof. Hosemann returns from his Sabbatical
Prof Hosemann spent the last 3.5 months at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) to perform research and work closely with LANL Staff on numerous projects and ideas. Of course NM is a fantastic place to visit as well and he used the weekends to enjoy the stunning nature and visit nuclear related sites.
Congratulations to David Frazer’s MRS silver award !!
Berkeley Nuclear Engineering Nuclear Materials Student, David Frazer, was awarded a Silver Award at the Materials Research Society Meeting, November 26 – December 1, in Boston, Massachusetts. The Silver Award honors students whose academic achievements and current materials research displays a high level of excellence and distinction. These students show promise for future achievement in materials research. Congratulations […]