We will update this more frequently now.
Andrew Dong wins best material science presentation at the ANS student conference !
New femto second laser is ready for operation
The new femto second laser funded through NEUP infrastructure is available for operation. The new tool will enable us to produce meso scale sample in a fast and efficient fashion. https://materials.nuc.berkeley.edu/facilities
A new IAEA report is published “Accelerator Simulation and Theoretical Modelling of Radiation Effects in Structural Materials”
The nuclear materials team Co-authored (chapter 5) of the recent IAEA report entitled “Accelerator Simulation and Theoretical Modelling of Radiation Effects in Structural Materials”
We are part of the winning FUTURE EFRC
The Department of Energy’s Office of Basic Energy Science announces the new Energy Frontier Research Centers. 100M$ will fund 42 EFRC’s (https://www.energy.gov/articles/doe-awards-100-million-energy-frontier-research-centers). These 4 year centers will received between $2M and $4M annually and will help accelerate scientific understanding in diverse energy related fields including catalysts, electro and photo-chemistry, geoscience, quantum materials and nuclear and […]
We are part of a winning EFRC team FUTURE
he Department of Energy’s Office of Basic Energy Science announces the new Energy Frontier Research Centers. 100M$ will fund 42 EFRC’s (https://www.energy.gov/articles/doe-awards-100-million-energy-frontier-research-centers). These 4 year centers will received between $2M and $4M annually and will help accelerate scientific understanding in diverse energy related fields including catalysts, electro and photo-chemistry, geoscience, quantum materials and nuclear and […]
Peter Hosemann was announced department chair to the department of nuclear engineering
We won an exciting new NSF award!
The nuclear materials team won an NSF grant entitled “Understanding self-assembled He-bubble superlattices under deformation in materials utilizing novel experimental methods”(#1807822). We look forward to working on this topic the next several years to come! Non-technical abstract: The creation of inert gases in materials, by nuclear reactions induced by irradiation within a material, for […]
Congratulations to A. Prasitthipayong and her co-Authors for publishing a paper in nuclear materials and energie
A. Prasitthipayong, D. Frazer, A. Kareer, M.D. Abad, A. Garner, B. Joni, T. Ungar,G. Ribarik, M. Preuss, L. Balogh, S.J. Tumey, A.M. Minora, P. Hosemann published the article “Micro mechanical testing of candidate structural alloys for Gen-IV nuclear reactors” in the Journal of Nuclear Materials and Energie. This is an open access journal article.Please feel free to […]
Nuclear materials team wins three NEUP awards!!!
The US Department of Energy’s Nuclear Energy University Program have announced nearly $64 million in awards for advanced nuclear energy technology to DOE national laboratories, industry, and U.S. universities in 29 states. In support for nuclear energy research, The Office of Nuclear Energy has selected 89 projects to fund, and among them, two Berkeley-led projects […]